Simply Abu Dhabi XXXI

KURA dESIGN vILLAS G reat love stories deserve the best, and thus no doubt Kura design villas—set on the coastline of Costa Rica—fits the title “love nest” to its fullest. In between ancient trees overlooking Marino Bellana National Park, this contemporary getaway is the perfect setting for a romantic hideaway—no children allowed. From master suites with a private pool and the best of panoramic views on the highest point of the property, to the junior suites at rainforest canopy level where toucans, parrots and hummingbirds swoop by, this gem of a location in the midst of what National Geographic describes as one of the most biodiverse places on earth is sure worth every blissful notion. Here in Uvita, seven beaches and a 35km coastline known for migrating humpback whales are within reach. For those tingling with excitement to escape in a modern-day fairy tale where wildlife adventure and exploring are part of the total love story—whilst being pampered in sheer luxury—this beauty of a realtime rainforest love nest should be on anybody’s romance wish list.